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第四单元 形容词形容词的用法及位置A作定语的用法61 形容词有5种用法,10个位置。1形容词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的名词前面,被修饰名词可称为主体词(Head-word),形容词和主体词结合起来,表示一个单一的意思:I like good studentsHe lives in an old house62 2在某些特殊的组合中,形容词可放在主体词的后面:He is the Consul General(or Notary Public)He showed his letters patent in the court martial as proof positive(法律语言,多从法语中借用)It is the greatest book imaginable(or the largest hospital available)He is the richest man alive(形容词最高级名词形容词)He came on Monday last,and will come again on Monday nextCustoms here are similar to customs thereThe partinside has much to do with the part above(名词作定语用的表示位置的副词)He has nothing pleasant to say to youHe wants everything goodSomething terrible will happenAnybody present knows him to be a liar(合成代词形容词)I like any boy both honest and intelligent We arrived at a place dirty,gloomy and desolate(名词形容词)John is the only boy dear to his mother(or a servant faithful to his master,a businessman greedy for money)(名词形容词介词名词)He was Alexander the Great(or Richard the Lion-Hearted)(专有名词the形容词)Marriage is a matter hard to handle I know of a man ready to help usIs this the time suitable to say anything?(名词形容词不定式)He drove along a path two meters wide He lives in a house eight stories highA boy about five years old is playing in the garden(名词数词名词形容词)He is a boy taller than you(or as tall as you)(名词形容词比较级than名词)或(名词as形容词as名词)There slept a man with his eyes openLook at the dog with its ears erect(with名词形容词)B作补语(表语)的用法63 3和名词一样,形容词也可用在系动词后作补语(表语),修饰主语或说明主语的情况:You are hungryJohn is honestFather seems sadMary looks oldI feel tiredLee remains ill She is growing fat如果形容词需要强调而主语又有较长的修饰语,形容词可放在系动词及主语的前面:Gone are the days when my heart was young and gayHappy is he who is satisfied with what he has如形容词前还有how修饰,也可放在前面:How old is he?(疑问句)How strong is his country?How funny he is!(Not:is he?)(感叹句)How rich this country is!64 4和名词一样,形容词也可用在宾补动词后作宾语的补语,对宾语加以修饰或说明:They make me angryI thought it easyHe likes his coffee hotThey left their son ignorant They called his works greatMother keeps the floor clean They find John honest如果宾语很长,形容词也可放在动词后面(紧跟动词):Mother keeps clean the floor,the furniture and everythingHe set free all the prisoners in the villageHe left vacant all the rooms of his hotelC解释性用法65 5有些形容词,常和别的词结合,对主语进行解释,它和主语间常用逗号隔开(这时它带有状语的作用,说明为什么有这种情况):Sad and tired,John wandered about(=John was sad and tired,and thus he wandered about)Young,rich and prettyMary has many boy friends(=Mary is young,rich and pretty and so she has many boy friends)Angry with me,he complained all dayAshamed of his uncle,John refused to mention himUnable to reply,she pretended not to hear meReady to fight them,he stood unmovedThree hundred miles long,the road is the longest one in this country(=The road is three hundred miles long,and it is the longest one in this country)Ninety years old,grandma is still healthy(=Grandma is ninety years old,yet she is still healthy)Penniless(used singly),he sold his watch66 6解释性的形容词,也可放在主语后面,这时强调性较弱,它前后都有逗号把它和句子的其他部分隔开:John,sad and tired,wandered aboutMary,young,rich,and pretty,has many boy friendsThe road,three hundred miles long,is the longest in the country67 7这种形容词放在句末时强调性最强,这时句子的谓语大多为不及物动词,表示一个动作。如果句子短,前面可以不加逗号:John wandered about sad and tired(=John wandered about,and was sad and tired)He approached,careless of dangerHe struggled and struggled,unable to get upJohn fell down unconsciousHe sat there silent and sad68 8解释性形容词一般对主语进行解释,偶尔也用来说明宾语:He placed me,dirty and damp,beside the kingThey took John,half dead,to the hospitalD作***成分69 9形容词可用在句首,起***成分的作用,和句子的任何其他词都没有联系,只对整个句子作某种说明,多和一些其他词结合使用,单独用时较少:First,we need money;second,we need courageTrue,he has married twiceHe has no job Worse,he is illSad to say,I cannot trust a woman any moreNeedless to say,he is the worst man in this cityCurious to relate,she loves a poor man like meContrary to the popular opinion,a very strong man often dies youngMost wonderful of all,he began to repentMost important of all,one should know oneselfBest of all,he is extremely patientE作感叹语70 10形容词有时用作感叹语,表示一时的情绪:Stupid!He must be crazyVery good!Do it againRight!So what is wrong?Wonderful! Wonderful!Shocking!I have never seen such a thingHow dangerous!F只作表语和只作定语71 有些形容词只能用作表语,不能在名词前作定语,这类形容词可称为表语形容词,如:ill,well,content,unable,sorry,glad,mindful,exempt,bound(for),bent(on),afraid,ashamed,asleep,awake,away,aware,alike,alive,alert,averse,agape,astir,ablame,afloat,afire(还有其他以a-开始的词)。正确用法:He is aloneI saw him aloneThe old man,alone on the island,looked like a beastAlone on the island,the old man looked like a beastHe wandered about sad and alone错句:He is an alone man(应用lonely或lonesome)The alone woman has lived here many years(lonely)若在名词前作定语,可改用其他形容词,如可以用sick代替ill,以happy代替glad,frightened代替afraid,以contended代替content。有个别这类词可作定语,但意思有变化,如:what a sorry(可悲的) situation!This is a glad(令人高兴的) day for us72 另一方面,有些形容词只能用作定语,不能用作表语,如:left,right,inner,outer,upper,hinder,utter,former,elder,eldest,major,minor,latter,lesser,wooden,earthen,woolen,brazen,golden,ashen,leaden,flaxenHis elder brother is fifteen(正确)His brother is elder(错误)His left hand is wounded(正确)His wounded hand is left(错误)He has a wooden house(正确)His house is wooden(错误)The figure is golden(错误)The pot is earthen(错误)但在用于引伸意义时,有些这类形容词可以这样用,如:His future looks golden(正确)His face is ashen(正确)两类形容词A描绘性形容词73 从实用角度考虑,形容词可以分为描绘性和限定性两大类。1绝大多数形容词都是描绘性的,前节所列形容词都属于这一类。它们可能表示有关人的品质,如Shakespearean,Dar-winian,Marxian,Herculean,也表示某些东西的特点,如Biblical,solar,celestial,可与地名有关,如Japanese,Ro-man,Parisian,也可与某种材料有关,如 brazen,airy,earthen,可指外观,如long,colorful,square,也可指性质,如strong,harmful,lasting,或指情绪,如angry,sad,charmed 等等。2它们可以放在多种位置:a)名词前面,b)名词后面,c)系动词后面作补语,d)宾语后面作宾语的补语及前章所列的其他6个位置,如:a)A good dictionary is necessaryb)A dictionary good for children is necessaryc)This dictionary is goodd)He finds the dictionary good3它们大多数可用于比较级,如:strong,stronger,strongest;long,longer,longest;beautiful,more beautiful,most beautiful;depressing,more depressing,most depressing4它们多数都不能用作名词或代词,除非加上某种词尾,如:形容词happy,honest,long,strong,sad,hungry,poor名词happiness,honesty,length,strength,sadness,hunger,poverty有少数形容词可以用作名词:He is a good(形容词) manHe never does good(名词)He lives an evil(形容词)lifeHe returns good for evil(名词)He always goes the right(形容词)wayHe does not know the difference between right(名词)and wrongHe lives in a very dark(形容词)roomHe never goes out after dark(名词)He felt cold(形容词)He shivered with cold(名词)5描绘性形容词都放在限定性形容词后面,用来修饰同一名词,如 all rich men,any red dress6它们对名词的单复数问题不产生影响,如 fat boys,wise boys,kindhearted boysB限定性形容词74 另一类称为限定性形容词。1这类形容词数量不多,仅仅有几十个。但它们用得很多,也很重要。它们可以表示数量,如 much,little,也可表示数目,如many,numerous,few,five最重要的是,它们可以表示“哪个?”,如:this,that,all,any,some,every,either,both,the,a,这些也可称为指不词(demonstratives)。2它们只能用在名词前面,不能用于其他位置,如:Some dictionaries are very usefulHe has a carJohn has no childrenYou may ask me any question但有少数例外情况,例如有些可作表语或补语:His faults are very few,and mine are very many His money is too much,and mine is too little He is fifteen有少数这类词常可用作补语,但这时它们是代词而不是形容词,如:That is all中的 all,My advice is this中的 this以及 Such is my purpose中的 such。3这类形容词一般不能用于比较级,只有少数表示数量的形容词可有比较级和最高级,如:many(or much),more,most;few,fewer,fewest;little,less,least4它们大多可以用作代词或名词,只有少数除外(如:no,a,the,every):Much has been saidSeven were killedJohns is better than mine(不能用my)Mine is the red oneBoth of them are illDont say that5如果和描绘性形容词同时用来修饰一个名词,它们都放在描绘性形容词前面:He has many good friends(不能说 good many friends)He knows some such honest northern people(不能说 honest northern some such people)6它们决定后面所修饰名词的单复数。这个问题下节将详细讨论。限定性形容词与名词单复数的关系75 限定性形容词,或称限定词(Determinatives),对它所修饰的名词(主体词)起某种限定的作用,即决定在3种情况中属于哪一种:a)可数名词单数,b)可数名词复数,还是c)不可数名词。换句话说,它必须与主体词在是否可数,及是单数还是复数上一致。某一特定的限定词,其主体词只能是单数可数名词,如 this book;另一限定词只能和一复数可数名词一起用,如these books;再一种限定词只能用来修饰不可数名词,如much ink第四种可以和任何名词连用,如 some book,some books,some ink76 有些词组起着限定词的作用,如:a number of,lots of,a great deal of,它们和单一的形容词作用一样。例如在 a number ofstudents中,a number of修饰名词(主体词)students,意思接近some。如果机械地把 number看作主体词,把of students看作定语,就会理解错误。77 1下面这些单数可数限定词或限定词型的短语(简称SCD)a,one,each,every,either,neither,such a,many a,another,a certain,a single or half a都只能用在单数可数名词(简称SCN)前面。简言之,SCD用在SCN前面:S=singular,Ccountable,Ddeterminative,N=nounHe has a car(正确)He has a cars(错误)He has a money(错误)A certain gentleman came(正确)A certain gentlemen came(错误)He has not a single ink(错误)I have never seen such an animal(正确)I have never seen such an animals(错误)Such a water is not good for us(错误)78 2单数可数限定词(简称 SCD)或不可数限定词(简称UD)或起同样作用的短语,如:this,that,a kind(or sort,type,class,form,make,style,brand,breed,species)of可用在单数可数名词(SCN)或不可数名词(UN)前面。简言之,SCD,UD用在SCN,UN前面。Uun-countableThis book is enjoyableThis weather is enjoyableThis books are enjoyable(错误)That car is mineThat milk is sourThat cars are mine(错误)This is a kind of batThere is a sort of gas called oxygenA Pekinese is a species of dogs(少见)79 3通用限定词(简称GD)或类似短语the,some,any,no,what,his (or Johns,etc),the same,the very,all the,part(or half,most) many kinds(or sorts,types,etc) of等,可用在任何名词的单数或复数(简称为GN)前面。简言之,GD用在GN前面。GgeneralHe has no carHe has no carsHe has no money and no humourThe same gentleman cameThe same gentlemen cameHe has not the same ambition as you haveWhat house do you want?What houses do you want?What bread do you want?What education do you want?80 4不可数限定词(简称UD)或类似短语 much,little,a lit-tle,not a little,a good(or great)deal of,a large(or small)amount of,a bit of,a touch of,a trace of等,可用在不可数名词(简称UN)前面。简言之,UD用在UN前面。P=pluralHe has a little money and a little humourWe need a good deal of ammunition and a good deal of en- couragementHe has a large amount of property but a small amount of joy of lifeThere is a touch of salt and sarcasm in his writing包含有quantity在内的短语只能用在物质名词前面:A large quantity of beer is producedWe consume great quantities of food every year另外某些短语只能用在抽象名词前面:There is a shade of meaning in itHe has a spice of humour and maliceThere is an element of risk in this enterpriseI find a streak(or tinge,flavour,hint,suggestion)of truth in his remarksWe must be armed with a great measure(or a high degree)of courage81 5复数可数限定词(简称PCD)或类似短语 few,a few,not a few,only few,but few,scveral,a couple(of),vari-ous,divers,sundry,an assortment of;two(or three,etc),all,certain,other,those,these,both,many,nu-merous,frequent,a great many,a good many,a number of,great numbers of,most,the majority of,the generality of;dozens(or hundreds,thousands,tens of thousand)of 等,只能用在复数可数名词(简称PCN)前面。简言之,PCD用在PCN前面。PpluralHe has a few dollarsHe has a few dollar(错误)He has a few money(错误)He has a few strength(错误)Most students dislike algebraMost student dislike algebra(错误)Most fruit juice is full of vitamins(错误)I want other dictionariesI want other dictionary(错误)I want other bread(错误)82 6复数可数限定词(PCD)或不可数限定词(UD)及其类似短语such,enough,a lot of,lots of,plenty(of),a vari-ety of,(an)abundance of等,只能用在复数可数名词(PCN)或不可数名词(UN)前面。简言之,PCD,UD用在PCN,UN前面。He has lots of animalsHe has lots of paper and inkHe has lots of animal(错误)I like such housesI like such teaI like such house(错误)又如:an infinity of oranges(of sunshine)a world of trees(of trouble)a wealth of illustrations(experience)a sight of people(of money)a wilderness of roofs(of furniture)an ocean of faces(of yellow sand)a minimum of words used to create a maximum of effect oceans of coconuts(of money)tons of books(of money)83 7反过来说,单数可数名词前面只能有77,78,79节所列的这类限定词:He has dog(错误)He has good dog(错误)He has very good dog(错误)He has a dog(正确)He has another dog(正确)He has another good dog(正确)Person has come(错误)Important person has come(错误)What person has come?(正确)What important person has come?(正确)84 8单数可数名词前不可用80,81,82节中所列限定词:He has much book(错误)He has certain book(错误)He has such book(错误)He has many books(正确)He has a certain book(正确)He has such a book(正确)85 在限定性形容词和它的主体词之间可以***一个描绘性形容词,不影响上述规律:He has many dogs(正确)He has many pretty dogs(仍然正确)He listened to some stories(正确)We listened to some exciting love stories(仍然正确)He has wife(错误)He has pretty wife(仍然错误)He has very pretty wife(仍然错误)He has very pretty young wife(仍然错误)表示“激起情绪”和“感到情绪”的形容词86 表示情绪的形容词值得特别注意。有些纯粹是形容词,如angry,fearful,familiar另一些是由动词加词尾-ing或-ed构成的,称为现在分词或过去分词。这类形容词有些是表示“激起某种情绪”的,有些表示“感到某种情绪”的。shameful表示“使人感到羞耻”,如:Such a son is shameful。主语son并不感到羞耻。但ashamed却不同,它表示“感到羞耻”如:My son is ashamed同样,the interesting children表示“使人感兴趣的孩子们”,而the interested children表示“感兴趣的孩子们”。因此我们可以把shameful,interesting这类形容词称为“激起情绪”的形容词(Adjectives of Exciting),而把ashamed,interested这类形容词称为“感到情绪”的形容词(Adjectives of Feeling)。和“激起情绪”的形容词连用的名词多指东西,指人时较少。我们常说shocking rumours,tiresome work,painful experience只在少数情况下和表示人的名词连用,如tiresome fellows。和“感到情绪”的形容词连用的名词多指人(或指有情绪的动物),而不指物。我们可以说a frightened bird,the astonished stranger,the annoyed girl,而不能说a frightened story,(应说a frightening story),the astonished news(应说the astonishing news)。但这类形容词可修饰人格化的东西,能有感受力的东西,如the troubled face,her sad eyes,Johns determined mouth,the angry sea,the melancholy moon。87 英语中有很多对形容词,都和某种情绪有关,如delightful,delighted;satisfactory,satisfied。其中有一个表示“激起某种感情”,如delightful,satisfactory;另一个表示“感到某种感情”,如delighted,satisfied。这两种形容词不仅用在名词前面作定语,还可放在其他位置,作补语等。下面例句仅表示在系动词后的用法:激起情绪的形容词 感到情绪的形容词It is painful He is painedpleasant pleasedtiresome tireddelightful delightedsatisfactory satisfiedfrightful frightenedreminiscent(of something) reminded(of it)forgettable forgetful有些“激起情绪”的形容词以-ing结尾,而“感到情绪”的形容词以-ed结尾:激起情绪 感到情绪It is amusing He is amusedinteresting interestedshocking shockedastonishing astonisheddisgusting disgustedannoying annoyedgratifying gratifiedperplexing perplexedcharming charmedfascinating fascinated有些形容词既可表示“激起情绪”,又可表示“感到情绪”:激起情绪 感到情绪It is curious He is curiouscomfortable comfortablefearful fearfuljoyful joyfuldoubtful doubtfulsuspicious suspiciousclear to him clear about itfamiliar to him familiar with it冠词88 冠词the和a、an是最重要也是最复杂的形容词。以man一个词为例,就有下面几种选择:man,a man,men,the men和theman,其中牵涉到是否用冠词及用哪个冠词问题。除了用冠词,还有不用冠词的问题,以及名词的可数与否的问题。冠词总是放在名词前面,若这个名词有形容词修饰,冠词通常放在形容词前面,若形容词前还有副词,则冠词需放在副词前面,如:This is a cara good cara very good carHe can answer the questionthe difficult questionthe most difficult question但若形容词为such,many或what,冠词a应放在它后面,如:I never met such a manHe has lived here many a yearWhat a beautiful park it is!如果形容词为all,both,half,double或twice,冠词the必须放在它后面:All the guests have comeBoth the brothers study SpanishI bought it at half the price(double the price)(但是:He has waited half an hour or a half hour)如果所用副词为so,how,as,too,quite,rather或no less,冠词a就放在副词所修饰的形容词后面及被修饰名词的前面:It is so(or too)big a dogHow big a dog it is!Ii is as big a dog as yoursIt is no less big a dog than yours(=It is as big a dog as yours)It is quite(or rather)big a dog(or a quite big or a rather big dog)如果a后面紧跟的词以元音(不指元音字母)开头,例如在apple,egg,uncle,idle fellow,old man或hourau+,MAem ei,8eit,L beamel bi/m,H frameeitM freim前,就要用an代替a。如果后面的词以辅音开头,即使是元音字母,也只能用a,不能用an,如usefulju/sful,Europeanju+r+pi+n,onew)n。又,用a还是an,取决于紧跟它的词,而不取决于形容词后的名词。如在an old teacher中,用an是由紧跟它的old决定的,而不是由名词teacher决定的;在an awfully hot climate中,用an是由于紧跟它的副词awfully以元音开头,而不由climate决定。A冠词与可数名词89 1冠词a有泛指作用,可和单数可数名词连用,隐约地表示“任何一个(即随便哪一个)”:A dog is intelligentI like a childA big family is hard to support90 2复数可数名词也有泛指作用,隐约地表示“所有的”:Dogs are intelligentI like childrenBig families are hard to support91 3冠词the可与单数可数名词连用,表示“一类”东西,而不指哪一个。The dog is intelligentI play the pianoThe palm grows in many countriesTomatoes are good for the liver以上3种用法是很相近的。92 4A还有“一个”或“某个”的意思,可以和单数可数名词连用:A dog is comingI see a childI have to maintain a familyHe is a teacherThey call him a fool93 5复数名词,如表示“几个”,或“某几个”,前面需加some这类词(由此也可以看作是一种冠词):Some children are playing thereI met some friends on the streetThere are some large schools in New YorkI bought some novelsI have some pictures在某些特殊情况下,some必须省略:Children,but not grownups,are playing there(表示对比)I meet either friends or relatives on the streetI bought both novels and newspapersChildren are playing there because they have nothing else to do(注意力在其他方面,而不在孩子的数目上)I often meet friends at this time and at this placeI bought novels to give to my girlfriendThere are children in this park(大量的)Hats are sold in this shopThey are children(作补语)These people are great scientistsI found the demonstrators children94 6The有特指的作用,可用在单数可数名词前,隐约表示“那个”,这时所指是那个人或东西是很清楚的:I bought a house yesterday afternoonThe house is across the river(指新买的房子)I want to see the boss(你知道the boss指谁)What is the price of this

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