陕西省外研版英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 I think life is better today课时练习

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陕西省外研版英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 I think life is better today课时练***名/_ 班级/_ 成绩/_一、单选题1 / He _ his coat and went out/AworeBwas wearingCputs onDput on2 / Which class are they in? They are in _ /AGrade One/ Class TwoBClass Two/ Grade OneCgrade one/ class twoDclass two/ grade one3 / If my mother _ I get a grade of 50 in English exam/ she would be angry/Aknows Bknew Chas knownDwould know4 / - How do you feel about the CBA basketball match last night?- It was / I really enjoyed it/AboringBwonderfulCstrangeDterrible5 / -Bruce donated many books and a lot of money to charity/kind young man!AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow二、完型填空Making friends is a skill/ Like most skills/ it_patience(耐心)/ If you want to meet people and make friends/ you must be willing totakesome action/ You must first go where there are people/ You wont make friends staying home_/Joining a club or group/ talking to those who like the same things_you do is much easier/ Or join someone in some activity/Many people are _when talking to new people/_meeting strangers means seeing the unknown/ And its human nature to feel a bit _about the unknown/ Most of fears about_new people come from doubts (怀疑) about_/ We imagine other people arejudgingus finding us too tall or too short/ too this or too that/ But dont forget that they must be feeling the same way/ Try to accept yourselfasyou are/ and try to put the other at ease/ Youll both feel more comfortable/Try to act self-confident(自信) _you dont feel that way when you_a room full of strangers/ Walk tall and straight/ look at other people directly and _/If you see someone youd like to_/ say something/ Dont wait for_person to start a talk/Just meeting someonenewdoes not mean that youll make friends with that person/ _is based on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”/ It takes time to _ friendship/6 / AcostsBneedsCspendsDwants7 / AlonelyByourselfCaloneDwith you8 / AasBthatCwhichDwhat9 / AshyBexcitedCafraidDworried10 / AAt allBFor allCIn allDAfter all11 / AunhappyBusualCworriedDunlucky12 / AmeetingBtalkingCvisitingDspeaking13 / AyourselfBhimselfCyourselvesDourselves14 / Aeven whenBeven ifCas ifDwhat if15 / AcomeBgoCenterDstep to16 / AlaughBsmileCcryDjump17 / Aspeak toBtalk aboutCsay toDcall up18 / AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers19 / ARelationBFriendshipCConnectionDFeeling20 / AdevelopBstartCkeepDchange三、阅读单选Nearly 50% of all workers in the United States have jobs they arent happy with/ Dont let this happen to you! If you want to find the right job/ dont rush to look through the ads in the newspaper/ Instead/ sit down and think about yourself/ What kind of person are you? What makes you happy?According to John Holland who studies personalities/ there are six types/ Nobody is just one personality type/ but most people are mainly one type/ For each type/ there are certain jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong/Six Types of PersonalitiesThe Realistic type is practical and likes working with machines and tools/The Investigative(研究的) type is interested in all the new things and likes to learn/ study situations/ and solve problems/The Artistic type is imaginative and likes to express himself or herself by creating/The Social type is friendly and likes helping or training other people/The Enterprising(有进取心的) type is outgoing and likes to lead other people/The Conventional(传统的) type is careful and likes to follow routines and details/Considering your personality type can help you make the right job decision/ Liz was one of the people who were not sure about their jobs/ She knew she wanted to do something for children/ so she thought she could help children as a school counselor(顾问) or a lawyer/ She took counseling and law coursesbut hated them/ After talking to a career counselor/ she found that these jobs didnt suit her/ She is more interested in films/ so she studied film and she now produces childrens TV showsand loves it/21 / What is the authors advice for looking for the right job?AAsk your parents or friends for help or advice/BThink about what you can do for your family/CLook through the ads in the newspapers at once/DThink about what kind of person you are at first/22 / If Jack is a policeman and he likes to find out what happens actually/ what type of personality is he?AThe Social type/BThe Investigative type/CThe Enterprising type/DThe Conventional type/23 / The writer organizes the last paragraph by_ /Agiving examplesBusing numbersClisting opinionsDtelling a story24 / Which part of the magazine is the passage most probably from?AAdvertisement part/BThe job planning part/CChicken soup part/DGame and puzzle part/四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给的单词填空。last/ number/ friend/ first/ China/25 / Alice Green is in _/26 / He is my _/ His name is Mike/27 / He is Jim Smith/ Smith is his _ name/28 / Im Jenny Miller/ My _ name is Jenny/29 / My telephone _ is 696-1930/五、单词填空根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出完整正确的单词Lily is an American schoolgirl/ She is now in Beijing with her p30 / / She doesnt know Chinese/ but she is trying to study and speak it/ She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends/ Sometimes they dont understand her/because she cant speak Chinese w31 / Its Saturday morning/ Lily goes out/ She is on her way to the park/ She is going there to see a flower show/ But she doesnt know h32 / to get there/ She asks a Chinese boy/ The boy cant understand her/ Then she takes out a pen and some paper/ She d33 / flowers on it/ gives the picture to the boy and says something about it/ The boy smiles and then shows Lily the way to the p34 / /六、语法填空The Laba Festival is one of the most important traditional 35 / (festival) in China/ It falls on the eighth day of the 36 / (twelve) lunar month/At the Laba festival/ people usually cook Laba Congee(粥)/ It is made of different kinds of rice/ beans/ dried fruits and some other produce(农产品)/ There are many stories about how people started eating congee during the festival/ Here is the 37 / (famous) one/ Zhu Yuanzhang/ the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty/ helped a rich man take care of some cows when he was young/ One day/ because 38 / Zhus carelessness/ a cow got hurt/39 / rich man was very angry/ He locke

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