花费用法的整理, take, spend, cost, pay用法

时间:2023-01-13 17:45:15  热度:0°C
练习:1/This science book _ me a great amount of money/ A/ took B/ cost C/ used D/ spent2/ They spend too much time - the report/A/ writing B/ to write C/ on writing D/ write3/ -What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive-No,they only-l0 yuan Aspent Btook Cpaid Dcost4/ -Will you please- for my dinner Peter? -Sure!A/ spend B/ pay C/ cost D/take5/ It will - me too much time to read this book/A/ take B/ cost C/ spend D/pay( ) 1/ -How do you come to school?-By bike/ Taking a bus may _ much money/ And walking _ too much time/A/ take/ pays B/ cost/ takes C/ pay/ costs D/ pay/ takes( ) 2/ She usually _ much time shopping in the supermarkets/ A spends B costs C takes D pays ( ) 3/ American students spend _ time _ homework than Chinese students/ A/ fewer/ doing B/ less/ to do C/ less/ doing D/ least/ doing ( ) 1/ This kind of computer _ too much/ I cant afford one/ A/takes B/ spends C/ pays D/ costs( ) 2/ It will _ us several years to learn a foreign language well/ A/ cost B/ take C/ spend D/ use3/ Since June 1st/ 2008/ when we want plastic bags in the supermarket/ we have to _(付款) them/ 4/ He li

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