
时间:2022-03-04 14:30:59  热度:328°C
最近几年来汽车的动态平衡与静态管理已成为许多专家学者重点研究的新课题。智能停车场系统为了保证车辆安全和交通方便,迫切需要采用自动化程度高、方便快捷的停车场自动管理系统,提高停车场管理水平。现阶段的目标就是要提供满足人们工作、生活、娱乐环境更科学、规范、有效快捷、安全、方便的智能停车场自动管理系统。停车场管理系统正在向大型化、复杂化、集成化和高科技化方向发展,智能停车场系统已经被纳入智能建筑的一个重要子系统,并且正与智能建筑的其它子系统进一步高度集成。 智能停车场管理系统采用先进技术和高度自动化的机电设备,将机械、电子计算机和自控设备以及智能IC卡技术有机地结合起来,通过电脑管理可实现车辆出入管理、自动存储数据等功能,实现脱机运行并提供种高效管理服务的系统。 新型的智能停车场将生活理念和建筑***、信息技术、计算机电子技术等现代高科技完美结合,提供的是一种操作简单、使用方便、功能先进的人性化系统。它依靠高科技,以人为本,采用图形人机界面操作方式,提供一种更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化生活空间,促进了人文环境的健康发展。 1 目前国内外停车场主要有以下几种类型 11 机械式停车场 机械式停车场是国内停车场主要的一种,机械式停车场是指停车场完全由机械停车设备如曳引驱动机、导向轮、载车板、横移装置、控制柜、召唤操作盘、升降回转装置、搬运器等构成。分为升降横移类、垂直循环类、水平循环类、多层循环类、平面移动类、垂直升降类、简单升降类等类型。因其停车方式多样独特,具有很强的应用性。它的主要优点有占地面积小,选型多样、可具体结合场地特点设计,也可与其他方式相结合来实施,自动化程度高,操作使用方便,管理和维护也较为容易,具有定量存车的特点。 12 平面停车场系统 智能停车场系统平面停车场系统因其主要采取感应式IC卡读卡方式,所以也叫感应式停车场系统。目前我国的停车场仍是以平面停车场为主,一般建于建筑物的地下层,也有不少以公共区域如广场、道路边等作为停车场,其次就是酒店、企事业、工厂等单位自己规划设计的停车场。 13 智能立体停*** 智能立体停***系统又叫垂直升降式停车系统或电梯式立体停***系统。它是集设备、操作、安全、监控、维护、管理为一体的智能化系统,触摸屏式的人机界面,操作和使用也极为方便,具备智能化管理及收费系统。其高度的智能检测和完善的服务体系可实现零也障运行。它最大的特点就是独创的分时控制功能,实现分时段、分层停车控制,有效提高车位利用率。通过键盘密码和IC卡即可实现汽车存取、收费的过程,操作简单、存取方便;并且可以与城市停车收费系统连接,可实现全市停车收费一卡通,并可加装监视系统与小区联网。另一种模块化智能型立体***也开始趋于成熟,不仅实现了全模块化设计,采用了智能控制技术,更是充分利用了太阳能技术、能量蓄积(节能)技术。模块化智能型立体***不再是一个整体建筑,它由***的模块组合而成,如停车位、升降装置、智能载车器等分散的零部件,修建时只要像搭积木一样把各个零部件组装起来,就成了一个标准的立体***,具有节省时间、成本低等优点。 14 遥控停车场管理系统 智能停车场系统遥控停车场管理系统的特点是不受停车位置及方向***,只要在遥控距离内即可控制开门及抬杆。***携带方便、价格便宜,安装简单。其主要原理是在栏杆机控制箱及电动门***安装遥控接收卡及存储器卡,在使用时,只要***的密码正确即可对系统进行控制。其产品经历了由拨码式到脉冲式再到循环式的发展过程,目前已日趋成熟。遥控停车场管理系统被广泛用于欧洲许多停车场及私人住宅。 2 智能停车场收费系统的特点 21 严格的收费管理系统 对于目前的人工现金收费方式,不仅劳动强度大、效率低,而且很容易在财务上造成很大的漏洞和现金流失。采用IC卡收费管理系统,因收费都经电脑确认、统计与记录,避免了失误和***等现象,能有效地保障车场投资者的利益。 22 防伪性能高 因为IC卡保密性极高,它的加密功能一般电脑花上十年的时间也解不了,也无法进行仿造,从根本上保证了系统的可信度与可行性。 23 高度安全稳健的管理 在采取人工发卡、收卡的地方因疏漏而又没有随时记录可查,丢车或谎报丢车现象时有发生,给停车场管理带来许多不便,也给停车场带来了经济损失。而采用电脑收费管理系统后,因各种类型的卡在电脑中都有相关资料的详细记录;月租卡和储值卡丢失后可以及时补办;时租卡丢失也可随时检索,及时处理。 同时系统配有图像对比功能。各类停车卡均有***码存档,一卡专用,保证停放车辆的安全。当读卡***检测到车辆出现时,计算机自动调出此牌号与出场时牌照识别系统再次识别的牌号比较,在计算机的屏幕上实时显示各出人口车辆的卡号、状态、时间和车主的信息等。如果***不对,电脑随时提示,并发出警告,不得离场,等有关人员进行现场处理。24 可靠的耐用性 无源的非接触式IC卡,卡内一般是线圈作数据传递和接收能源用,且全部密封,所以具有防尘和防水功能。它不用磁头读写,避免了磨损磁带、受干扰或因磁头积尘而失效的现象,一般可使用10万次以上。 25 非接触式IC卡技术领先 非接触式IC卡是将电磁技术、射频技术、计算机技术、代码识别技术综合应用的技术成果,具有极好的防水、防污、防油、防腐蚀、防静电破坏和防扭曲等特性。 26 树立良好的企业形象良好的企业形象是企业无价的无形资产,智能停车场系统现代化的高科技产品的使用无疑会提高企业的物业管理形象和知名度,采用电脑收费管理系统,无论从产品的造型方面,还是整套系统所带来的先进性及管理的科学性,都将给物业管理树立起良好的形象,使企业步人良性循环,不断开拓进取,成为科学管理的楷模。 3 智能停车场系统的设备组成智能停车场主要由人口、出口和中心管理三大部分组成。 31 入口部分:人口部分主要由感应式IC卡读写器、IC卡出卡机、对讲分机、***机、车辆感应器、车位***、入口控制板、全自动路闸、车辆检测线圈和车位显示屏等组成。 3/2 出口部分:出口部分主要由内含感应式IC卡读写器、***机、对讲分机、出口控制板、全自动路闸、车辆检测线圈和汽车影像对比系统组成。 33 管理中心:管理中心由收费管理电脑、***、硬盘录像机、报表打印机、停车场管理收费机和系统软件组成。 4 智能停车场的系统构成 4/1 车位显示系统 整个智能停车场系统是一个全电脑管理系统,它需要实时检测各车位情况,智能停车场系统为此可在每个车位设置一个***,通过信号处理器并入管理软件子系统,经管理软件分析后将当前的最佳停车车位给司机显示在车位显示屏上,同时车位提示灯开启并闪亮,提示司机在此停车。如果车位***检测到***内已无空缺车位,则车位显示屏显示“***满位”字样,出票机也显示“***满位”字样,即不再允许车辆进库。 4/2 防盗系统 防盗系统是一套在各个车位加装的高码位***,它与车位***并行工作。当司机入库停好车后,操作***便给车辆上码;当司机准备出库取车时,操作***给车辆***。如无***取车,则报警系统工作并联动相关报警器或启动监视系统进行录像,防止车辆被盗。4/3 监视系统 监视系统由***机、***,***、录像机组成。主要是对停***进行保安监视,确保停车安全可靠。 4/4影像对比系统 影像对比系统由***机、抓拍***、图像处理器等组成。当车辆进库刷卡或取票时,抓拍***工作,启动***机摄录一幅该车辆图像并连同司机所持的卡或票的信息一并存人系统数据库内。当车辆出库验卡或验票时,抓拍***再次工作,并启动***机摄下***的图像,然后与系统数据库内的信息进行比较。若信息吻合,则自动路闸起栏放行车辆;否则,提示信息不予放行并自动报警。 45 出口系统 当车辆出库时,车辆***感应出库信号并通知主控计算机提示操作员准备操作,同时出口***机摄录一幅该车辆图像并将识别信息与计算机中对应卡号的所有相关信息进行比较,相符则自动计算出应交费,并通过收费显示牌显示,提示司机交费;如果不相符则示警,提示收费员根据汽车进场时所拍摄的图像进行人工比对。 46 中心软件管理系统 中心软件管理系统是整套停车场智能管理系统的核心部分,智能停车场系统它主要由功能较强的PC机和打印机等外围设备组成。管理中心可作为一台服务器通过总线与下属设备联接,交换营运数据,并对营运的数据作自动统计,档案保存。系统具有密码保护功能,阻止非授权者侵入管理程序,并具有很强的图形显示功能,能把停***平面图、泊车位的实时占用、出入口开闭状态以及通道***等情况在屏幕上显示出来,便于停车场的管理与调度。它不仅要为建设单位提供一种灵活、有效的管理模式,而且要具备自维护功能和一定的扩展功能,以适应将来技术的发展需要。 5 智能停车场系统功能 产品只是帮助人类更快捷、更方便、更简单地解决问题。智能停车场系统作为一种先进的产品最终是为人服务,它不能脱离以人为本的原则,否则技术再先进也是一种浪费。因此停车场技术的应用也应因地制宜,充分发挥停车场的所有功能。对于智能化的停车场除了一些基本功能而外还应具备以下的功能。 51 感应卡功能 (1)长距离感应; (2)具有防水、防磁、抗静电、耐磨损、信息储存量大、使用寿命长; (3)可通过感应卡来缴纳停车费,实现一卡通功能; (4)读写速度快,操作简便; (5)使用时没有方向性,可以以任意方向掠过读写器表面完成读写工作; (6)读写器与ID卡实施双向密码鉴别制。 52 自动道闸功能 (1)接受手动输入信号,便于调试安装; (2)延时、欠压、过压自动保护; (3)可缓冲接受两条抬闸指令,可连续过车; (4)电闸带RS485通信接口,可接受收费管理电脑的直接控制; (5)具有卸荷装置,以防止外力损坏; (6)具有防砸车控制系统,确保车辆安全; (7)行程控制以光电开关代替机械行程开关,使用寿命长; (8)兼容性好,确保不同类型客户的需求; (9)具有一套平衡机构,保证运行轻快、平稳、输入功率小; (10)增设紧急手动装置,以防止意外事件的发生; (11)全电路无触点控制系统,确保车辆安全。 53 出入口票箱功能 (1)感知车辆有无,无车不发卡或读卡; (2)临时用户按键取卡、吐卡若不取卡,在规定时间后自动收卡,避免卡的流失; (3)平时显示时钟与日期; (5)读卡判别,无效则灯光报警; (6)系统随时识读进入票箱感应区内已经过合法授权的感应卡、一次性读取卡上的卡类、卡号、挂失标志、进出场标志、有效期等数据项,送CPU处理后,根据卡的类别进入相应的处理程序,显示卡号及卡状态; (7)月租卡显示有效期及卡状态(有效、过期、挂失或进出场状态); (8)控制板能非实时联网运行,所有有效操作均在内存内建库存档,并可保存6000个以上的记录。记录数据可随时被有权限的管理员或领导访问及卸载。 54 停车场管理软件功能 (1)图像双向识别比较功能; (2)可读取物业管理系统数据,自动生成卡片进出权限; (3)特种车辆特殊处理功能;(4)自动完成临时卡收费、有效月租卡放行功能; (5)多种计费方式设置,用户自行设定选用; (6)读卡时显示卡类型及卡状态(有效、过期、挂失、进出场等状态); (7)可调出车辆出入的时钟日期,卸载挂失黑名单; (8)管理员权限分级。支持其它授权工作站调阅数据(事件和图像); (9)生成各类统计报表,具有强大的数据检索查询功能; (10)软件系统具有良好的兼容性及资料保密性; (11)停车场管理软件具有联网功能,可通过远程实时监视与控制; (12)全中文菜单式操作界面,操作简单、方便; (13)具备完善的财务监控和统计报表,预防资金的流失,主控中心可通过网络实时查询财务报表; (14)呼叫对讲功能,在任何时刻都可与指挥中心对讲联系; (15)易升级,可根据功能需求随时升级系统软件; (16)多种的温馨语音提示,不仅向车主发出问候,同时具备发布天气预报等功能。 55 管理中心功能 (1)可脱机运行,也可联网运行,即使在网络中断或PC出现故障时仍可正常运行; (2)车辆出入全智能逻辑自锁控制系统,严密控制持卡者进、出场的行为符合“一卡一车”的要求; (3)指挥并控制出入口各设定功能及进行系统动态控制; (4)高可靠性和适应性的数字式车辆检测系统,防砸车装置可保证无论是进场车辆或发生倒车的车辆,只要在闸杆下停留,闸杆就不会落下,具有手动方式起杆功能; (5)滚动式LED中文电子显示屏提示,空车位显示,使用户和管理者一目了然; (6)具备UPS,保证在系统断电的情况下,系统至少正常运行1h以上; (7)智能***带RS485通信接口,可实现多个出入口的联网运行。In recent years the dynamic balance and static automotive management has become the focus of many experts and scholars research on new topics/ Intelligent parking system in order to ensure vehicle safety and traffic convenience/ there is an urgent need for a high degree of automation/ convenient and quick/ automated car park management system/ to improve parking management/ At this stage the goal is to provide to meet the people working and living and entertainment environment more scientific/ standardized/ efficient and effective/ safe and user-friendly automatic smart parking management systems/ Car park management system is to large/ complex/ integrated and high-tech-oriented development/ smart parking system has been incorporated into the intelligent building as an important sub-system/ and is working with other intelligent building highly integrated subsystem further/ Intelligent parking management system uses advanced technology and highly automated mechanical and electrical equipment/ mechanical/ and electronic computer-controlled equipment/ and intelligent IC card technology combine management can be achieved through the computer management of vehicle access/ automatic data storage function/ the realization of de machine operation and provide - efficient management of the system/ Smart new car park will be living concepts and architecture/ information technology/ computer electronics technology/ such as the perfect combination of modern high-tech to provide a simple/ easy-to-use/ advanced system of human nature/ It relies on high-tech/ people-oriented/ graphical man-machine interface operation/ providing a more safe/ comfortable/ convenient/ fast and open intelligent/ information-based living space/ promoting the healthy development of human environment/ 1 parking lot at home and abroad mainly in the following several types 1/1 mechanical parking Mechanical parking car park is mainly a kind of mechanical means parking the car park completely by mechanical parking equipment such as tractor driving machine/ driven wheels/ car panels/ sliding device/ control cabinet/ called the operation site/ Rotary lift devices/ handling devices/ etc/ Lifting and transferring is divided into categories/ vertical circulation category/ the level of cycle-type/ multi-cycle-type/ flat type of mobile/ vertical categories/ such as the type of simple movements/ Because of its unique and diverse way of parking/ has a strong application/ It covers an area of the main advantages of small/ diverse selection can be combined with site specific characteristics of the design/ but also with other means to implement a combination of a high degree of automation/ easy operation/ management and maintenance is also easier with quantitative parking characteristics/ 1/2 Plane parking system Intelligent parking system parking systems for their plane to take the main inductive way IC card readers/ so the car park is also called inductive system/ At present/ China is still in the car park car park is mainly flat/ generally built in the basement of buildings/ there are a number of public areas such as the Plaza/ the road side as the car park/ followed by the hotel/ enterprises/ factories/ and other units of their own planning and design of the car park/ 1/3 Smart parking Intelligent parking system is also called the vertical lift or elevator-type parking system parking systems/ It is a set of equipment/ operation/ security/ monitoring/ maintenance/ management of the intelligent system as a whole/ the touch-screen human-machine interface/ operation and use is also very convenient/ with intelligent management and charges of the system/ Its high degree of intelligence testing and perfecting the service system can be impaired also run zero/ It is characterized by the largest original time control functions/ the realization of sub-periods/ stratified parking control/ effectively improve the utilization of parking spaces/ Password through the keyboard and the IC card can be realized vehicle access/ the process of charging/ easy operation and convenient access/ and with the city parking system/ enabling the citys parking card/ and the installation of surveillance systems networking with the area/ Another intelligent modular three-dimensional garage have begun to mature/ not only to achieve a full modular design/ use of intelligent control technology/ but also made full use of solar energy technology/ energy reserves (energy) technology/ Smart Modular three-dimensional garage is no longer a whole building/ which is a combination of independent modules/ such as parking spaces/ lifting devices/ such as the smart car parts scattered/ when construction of the architecture in a building block as long as the same as the all zero components assembled together/ it becomes a standard three-dimensional garage/ with a time-saving and low cost/ Remote-controlled car park management system 1/4 Intelligent parking system remote control features of the car park management system is not subject to parking restrictions on the location and direction/ as long as the distance between the remote control to open the door and can be carried under control/ Remote control and easy to carry/ cheap/ easy to install/ The main principle is that in the railings and electric machine control box installed on the remote control door controller card and memory card to receive/ in use/ as long as the correct password for the remote control can control the system/ Its products have experienced from the allocation of code and then type the pulse cycle of the development process has matured/ Remote-controlled car park management system has been widely used in many European and private residential parking/ 2 smart parking system characteristics 2/1 strict management system charges Artificial cash for the current charges is not only labor-intensive/ low efficiency/ and are vulnerable to financial loopholes and cause great loss of cash/ The use of IC card management system fees/ because fees are recognized by the computer/ statistics and records/ to avoid errors and cheating/ such as a phenomenon/ to effectively protect the interests of investors yard/ 2/2 high-performance security Because of the high degree of confidentiality of IC cards/ and its encryption spend decades in general computer solution of the time can not/ it can not be modeled/ from the root system to ensure the credibility and feasibility/ 2/3 The management of a high degree of safety and soundness of the Artificial taking the issue of credit cards where admission card at any time and without omissions recorded/丢车or false丢车occurred from time to time/ to the car park management has caused many inconveniences to the parking lot also brought economic losses/ Management fees and the use of a computer system/ due to various types of card in the computer are detailed records of relevant information/ monthly cards and stored value cards can be lost to re-submit a timely manner/ hourly rate cards can also be lost at any time search/ the timely processing of / At the same time/ the system functions with the image contrast/ Both types of parking the vehicle registration number/ filing cards/ a card dedicated to ensure the safety of parking/ When the reader detects vehicle controller/ the computer automatically grades and play out this license plate recognition system when the brand re-identification of comparison/ the computer screen in real-time display of the number of vehicles out of the population/ status/ time/ and the owner of the information/ If the license plate wrong/ the computer prompts at any time/ and issued a warning not to leave/ and other relevant personnel at the scene/ 2/4 durability and reliable Passive non-contact IC card/ the card is generally coil for data transmission and reception of energy use/ and all sealed and therefore have a dust-proof and waterproof function/ It should not be read-write heads to avoid the wear and tear tape/ interference or failure due to dust accumulation and the head of the phenomenon in general can be used more than 100/000/ 2/5 Non-contact IC card technology leader Non-contact IC card is the electromagnetic technology/ RF technology/ computer technology/ code recognition technology integrated application of technology/ with excellent water-proof/ anti-fouling/ anti-oil/ anti-corrosion/ anti-static and anti-distortion/ such as destruction of properties/ 2/6 establish a good corporate image Good corporate image is priceless intangible assets/ smart parking system/ the modernization of the use of high-tech products will no doubt enhance the image and visibility of property management/ fee management computer system/ in terms of product design/ or package system brought about by the nature and management of scientific/ management will have to establish a good image/ so that virtuous circle of companies who step-by-step/ and continuously forge ahead and become a model of scientific management/ 3 smart parking system equipment Intelligent parking by the population/ export and center management has three major components/ 3/1 imported parts/ the main part of the population by the induction IC card reader/ IC card a card machine/ intercom extension/ video cameras/ vehicle sensors/ parking detector/ the entrance of the control panel/ automatic road gates/ vehicle detector coil and display parking spaces and so on/ 3/2 parts exports/ exports mainly includes induction by IC card reader/ camera/ intercom extension/ export control panel/ automatic road gates/ vehicles and vehicle detection coil contrast imaging system/ Management Center 3/3/ Management fees Management Center computers/ monitors/ hard disk video recorders/ reports/ printers/ car park management fee component and system software/ 4 constitutes a smart parking system 4/1 parking spaces for display system The entire smart parking system is a computerized management system/ it needs real-time detection of the parking spaces/ the intelligent parking system for this purpose may be to set up a parking space in each detector/ through the signal processor into sub-systems management software/ management software by analysis will present the best parking spaces in the parking spaces to the driver display screen at the same time open spaces and bright lights prompt/ suggesting that drivers in this parking/ Detector if the parking spaces to the parking garage with no vacancies/ the screen display parking garage fully booked and the ticket machine shows full digital garage and that the vehicle no longer be allowed into the library/ 4/2 Anti-theft System Anti-theft system is a set of parking spaces in various places to install a high-key remote control/ which work in parallel parking spaces detector/ When the driver stopped the car after the storage operation will be remote control code to the vehicle/ when the driver of the bus ready to take the Treasury to operate a remote control decoder to the vehicle/ If there is no decoder check car alarm system-related work and linkage alarm or activate video surveillance systems/ prevention of vehicle thefts/ 4/3 Monitoring System Surveillance system cameras/ controllers/ monitors/ video recorders composition/ The main parking garage for security surveillance/ to ensure safe and secure parking/ 4/4 Image Comparison System Contrast imaging system consists of cameras/ snapshot controller/ image processor and other components/ When a vehicle or into the library card for the tickets/ the capture controller to start a video camera image of the vehicle and the driver together with the votes held by the card or the coexistence of people of the information system of a database/ When a vehicle inspection of library card or check/ the capture controller again/ and start off brand camera photo images/ and then with the system database to compare information/ If the information in line road brake automatically released from a column of vehicles/ Otherwise/ the message is not allowed and automatic alarm/ 4/5 Export System When a database of vehicles/ the vehicle detector sensor signal out of the Treasury to inform the host computer and prompts the operator to prepare the operation/ a video camera at the same time export images of the vehi

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