江苏省句容市后白中学七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated学案牛津版

时间:2023-01-25 17:07:24  热度:0°C
7B Unit4 Finding your way (Integrated skill)班级_ 姓名_ 学习目标1/ 能从听力材料中获取信息。2/ 能听懂指令并画出路线图、培养静听技能。3/ 能谈论如何到达特定的地点。学 习 过 程二 备Exercises 翻译句子1一直走,你将会发现长颈鹿馆就在你的左边的。_2你离开的时候请记住关灯。_3这部电影相当有趣。_4不要整天呆在家里,有时你可以出去打打篮球。_Step 2 lead-in Say sth about how to find the way when you have a trip/Step 3 presentationListen to the tape and try to find the answers Check the answers with ssThen A2 listen to the instructions and write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes Afte finishing them /have some ss say the answers A3 Listen to the instructions and draw the route on the map/After finishing it / ask some ss to sharen the answers with ssStep 4 speak up Read the title and then have ss read the dialogue by themselvesListen to the tape Have some ss read the dialogue and replay it/Step 5 summary Step 6 Ho

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