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时间:2022-06-24 14:11:09  热度:1°C
Unit 1 ar Dialogue/ ShoppingMary: Are you free this weekend? I want to go shopping1/Linda: OK/ Is there anything that you want to buy?Mary: Nothing in particular/ I just havent gone shopping for a long time/Linda: Me neither/ Where shall we go?Mary: What about2 going to Nu Ren Jie? There are a lot of clothes stores there/Linda: OK/ I havent been there before/ When do you want to go?Mary: Saturday/ then we can rest on Sunday/Linda: Where do you want to meet up3?Mary: At the Dongzhimen subway station/ Its near Nu Ren Jie/Linda: Alright/ see you then/Practice:I/ Answer the following questions based on the dialogue/1/ Mary just hasnt gone shopping for_/a long time2/ Mary and Linda are going to _/Nu Ren Jie3/ There are_ clothes stores there/ a lot of4/ They are going to meet up at the Dongzhimen subway station on _/SaturdayII/ Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words and expressions/A/ meet up B/ in particularC/ what about D/ neither1/ _ the father nor the son is interested in the film/ Neither2/ We _ again in Singapore last month/ met up3/ She stressed that point _/in particular4/ _ having some bread? What aboutText:MarketA market may be defined as a group of people or firms1 who have contact with2 each other3 with the purpose of4 exchanging some goods or services/ The term “market” at least5 involves two parties/ the sellers and the buyers/Today,with our complex methods of transport and communication,it is not necessary for buyers and sellers to have direct contact with each other/ so it is better not to think of a market in terms of6 a particular place/ Sellers are the suppliers of something of valuethe supply/ The buyers are the demanders of something of valuethe demand/ Price is determined by the interaction of supply and demand7/ Practically all goods and services have a price/ A car has a price/ your fathers labor service has a pricehis wage,or salary/ We refer to market demand as the total of all the individual demands for a particular commodity/ By individual demand we mean the quantity particular individuals are able and willing to purchase in the market at various price levels at a particular point of time8/Changes in demand (increases or decreases) occur with changes in population/ wage rates/ taxation,fashions,etc/,and mean that more or less of a quantity is demanded at the same price/ (217 words)Practice/I/ True / false statements/1) The term “market” refers to an area in which buyers and sellers are in close and constant contact/ ( 错 )2) As we know/ a market at least involves two parties/ the sellers and the buyers/ ( 对 )3) Supplier is a party that supplies goods or services/ ( 对 )4) Price is decided by the interaction of supply and demand/ ( 对 )5) Market demand refers to the price that suppliers in the market are willing to accept/ ( 错 )II/ Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given in the brackets/1) She gave us a clear _definition_ of the question/ ( define )2) He _purposed_ to visit the United States/ ( purpose )3) These changes in the business _involve_ the interests of all owners/ ( involve )4) The _transportation_ was filled with soldiers/ ( transport )5) I dont think he _communicates_ his thoughts clearly/ ( communication )6) Continental is one of the worlds biggest _suppliers_ of grain/ ( supply )7) Professor Smith is _particularly_ interested in the central nervous system/ ( particular )8) She came with the _determination_ of staying only two weeks/ ( determine )III/ Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences:1) This booklet _ the committees functions/A/ defines B/ sets up C/ allows for D/ sends for 2) No one whom Alfred has taught seems ever to _ him/A/ be correspondence with B/ be on speaking terms withC/ lose contact with D/ keep terms with 3) Some people go through life with no _ at all/A/ meaning B/ mistake C/ purpose D/ result 4) She _ her old car for a new model as soon as she had won the money/A/ exchanged B/ replaced C/ converted D/ interchanged 5) I found it very refreshing to _ ideas _ your mother/A/ exchangewith B/ keepfrom C/ sharewith D/ contradictof 6) Professor Wang is compiling an English-Chinese dictionary of chemical _/A/ terms B/ expressions C/ words D/ vocabulary 7) The plan _ the cooperation of young and old/A/ involves B/ contains C/ keeps D/ preserves 8) The new mayor must deal with many _ problems/A/ superficial B/ complex C/ trifling D/ productive 9) Brazilian coffee is usually _ by ships because this way is cheaper/A/ transported B/ transmitted C/ transferred D/ traded 10) As he had a science degree and varied experience in _ technology/ he found a good job in a communications firm/A/ engineering B/ transportation C/ nursing D/ printing 11) Mrs/ Alberta is so _ about her housework that servants will not work for her/A/ special B/ especial C/ peculiar D/ particular 12) She thought the painting was of little _/ so she let me have it for only ten pounds/A/ cost B/ value C/ price D/ expenses 13) There is a great demand _ eggs/A/ on B/ about C/ for D/ to 14) The workers _ a fair wage for their work/ A/ appealed B/ campaigned C/ asked D/ demanded 15) Adam _ applying for a graduate study in the field of theoretical physics in spite of his brothers opposition/ A/ proceeded with B/ considered C/ determined on D/ dreamed of 16) The motion of the planets caused by their gravitational _/ as well as the free fall of bodies/ was very well explained by the laws of mechanics/ A/ interactions B/ intercourse C/ interference D/ intermission 17) He was paid by the hour/ and he managed to keep his family with his pitiful _/ A/ salary B/ wages C/ stipend D/ payment 18) “Death control” _ to the efforts of scientists and doctors to save peoples lives/ A/ means B/ refers C/ indicates D/ suggests 19) You and I as _ are of no great importance in the history of our nation/ A/ people B/ relatives C/ strangers D/ individuals 20) Great _ of water _ for cooling purposes/ A/ quantitiesare needed B/ quantityis needed C/ quantitiesare needing D/ quantityis needing 21) We aim at quality rather than _ as poor quality goods wont sell well/ A/ amount B/ quantity C/ sum D/ number 22) We _ these raw materials directly from the producers/ A/ produce B/ manufacture C/ manipulate D/ purchase 23) I didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly _ to me/ A/ happened B/ entered C/ occurred D/ bit 24) A snail is an animal which moves at very slow _/ A/ scale B/ walk C/ rate D/ step 25) When did that style of dress _? A/ go out of fashion B/ become extinct C/ go extremes D/ go to the market IV/ Put the following into English/ 1) 供与求 supply and demand2) 商品与服务项目 goods or services3) 以不同的价格at various price4) 彼此接触 contact with each other5) 某个特定的场所 a particular place6) 劳务服务 labor service7) 市场需求market demand8) 个人需求individual demand9) 复杂的通信手段 complex methods of communicationV/ Put the following into Chinese: 1) Historically/ the self-regulating market economy is a modern rather than an ancient invention/ 从历史角度看,自我调节的市场经济是现代的而不是古老的发明。2) This kind of economy developed considerably at the time of the English Industrial Revolution/ 这种经济在英国工业***时得到了相当的发展。3) In freeing people from soil the Industrial Revolution bound them to machines/ 工业***把人们从土地上解脱出来的同时,又把他们束缚在机器上。4) Of course/ need remains the most important reason for buying something/ 当然,需求仍然是购物最重要的理由。5) Knowing the reasons behind decisions to buy things makes a better shopper/ 懂得作出购物决定的理由才能成为一个更好的顾客。6) As we know/ a market at least involves two parties/ the sellers and the buyers/ 众所周知,市场至少包括买卖双方。VI/ Cloze:John left the United States in 1969 to work in Africa/ Africa was hot/ and when John came back to the United States in 1979/ he said _1_/ “Its _2_ here than it was _3_ I left/ Im going to buy an electric heater(电暖气)/ _4_/ everything is much more expensive/”John went to a store the next day to buy an electric heater/ The salesman showed him three _5_ four different kinds and then said/ “And this is our best electric heater/ It costs _6_ money/ but it saves half of your electricity/ and electricity is very expensive now/ _7_?”“Yes/ its very expensive/” John answered/ “and its becoming worse every year/” He looked at the electric heater carefully/ _8_ for a few seconds and then said/ “Well/ Ill take two of _9_/ please/ and then Ill save _10_my electricity/”A/ much colder B/ Also C/ isnt it D/ these E/ all of F/ a lot of G/ before H/ to himself I/ or J/ thought答案:l) H 2) A 3) G 4) B 5) I 6) F 7) C 8) J 9) D 10) EReading for FunWords to Knowwherebyhwbai ad/ 靠那个;凭借那个;借以consumerknsju/m n/ 消费者,用户intermediaryintmi/diri n/ 媒介物,中间人 a/ 中间的,媒介的commercekm/s n/ 商业,商务,贸易virtualv/tjul n/ 虚拟 a/ 虚拟的evokeivuk vt/ 唤起,引起physicalfizikl a/ 物理的,物质的,体力的,身体的,自然的analogynldi n/ 类似,相似;类推,类比bricks and mortar 实体商店,实体企业,现实世界的传统商店retailerri/teil n/ 零售商人Online shoppingOnline shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time/ without

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