英语人教版四年级下册unit 4 B lets talk

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Unit4 at the farm B lets talk一、教学目标 1、学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语言、语调朗读对话;能够在情景中恰当运用句型What are those ?Theyre 问答物品名称;能运用句型Are they?Yes/ they are//No/ they arent/确认是否为某种物品。 2、帮助学生理解these与those的异同。 3、通过多种活动形式,培养学生大胆开口说英语的习惯。 4、了解与动物有关的英语习语。 二、教学重点:能够在情景中恰当运用句型What are those ?Theyre 问答物品名称;能运用句型Are they?Yes/they are//No/they arent/确认是否为某种物品。 三、教学难点:these与those的区别。 四、教学准备:PPT 五、教学过程(一)、Warm-up 1)Greeting / 2)Sing a song Ten little Indians T/ How many Indians can you see ? Ss/ I can see 3)Revision We visited Old Macdonald s farm yesterday/ We knew he has many vegetables 、fruit and animals on the farm/ Did you remember what are they?(yes)Ok/ lets see /课件出示水果和蔬菜,复习句型What are these ?Theyre How many can you see ?I can see Name Number Name Number 苹果 15 胡萝卜 22 豆角 17 草莓 11 土豆 40 洋葱 20 Old Macdonald has a lot of vegetables /fruit/ Ok/ lets go to see how many kinds of animals on the Old Macdonalds farm /Listen to a song/ try to hear that /教师播放歌曲Old Macdonald had a farm / (设计意图:通过句型的操练,复习已学的知识,让学生激发旧有的知识,为过渡到本节课的学习内容打下铺垫。) (二)、Presentation 1、教师问:How many kinds of animals / can you hear?学生反馈。 2、教师指着动画最后的画面问:How many dogs did Old Macdonald have ?Lets ask him/引导学生提问:How many dogs do you have /Old Macdonald?课件中出现一大群狗的画面,教师教学a lot of /引导学生说:You have a lot of dogs / 3、课件呈现一个指向Old Macdonald的对话框:I have a lot of cows/ too/ 教师问:Where are cows ?Lets go and see /课件画面中出现一远一近两个遮盖的部分,分别写着These are cows /和Those are cows / Old Macdonald的对话框显示文字:Guess / please! 教师引导学生拼读those并比较those与these的区别,判断并选择句子。教师点开课件中近处的遮盖部分,出现一群奶牛的图片,引导学生说:These are cows / 4)、教师手指远处的动物问:What are those ?Are they ducks/cats ?Lets see /课件快闪一幅鸭子、绵羊、奶牛、母鸡的图片进行操练。 T:Are they ducks ? S1/Yes / they are / S2/Are they cats ? S3/No/ they arent / S2:Whatare those? S3/Theyre (设计意图:通过火眼金睛的活动,激活学生的思维,引起学生极大的兴趣,能取得预期的教学效果。) 5)、Listen and answer questions T/ Mike and Sarah are in Old Macdonalds farm /too /Lets see what they are talking /But before you watch /please think of the questions/ a、 What does Mike see on the farm ? b、 How many horses ? c、 What does Sarah see on the farm ? 课件展示课文内容,播放录音。 (设计意图:让学生带着问题听录音,有助于集中学生听的注意力,提高听的效果,提高课堂实效。) 6)、教师播放动画,学生跟读。Tets watch TV and repeat / 7)学生在小组内分角色朗读,要求尽量模仿原文人物的语言语调,然后抽查几组上台表演。 (三)、Consolidation and extension 1)、1、 remember Mike/ Wow! You have _ animals! What are _? Mcdonald/ They re_/ Mike/ Cool! How many _ do you have? Mcdonald / Mmm_/ Sarah/ What are _? Are they _? Mcdonal / No/ _ /Theyre _/ (设计意图:通过挖空对话中的关键词给学生一个支架一步一步引导学生说出本对话内容,而非在课堂上让学生死记硬背出来。) 2)、Make a dialogue 师生示范 T:(课件演示)Look/ this is my farm in my mind/ Welcome to my farm /Do you want to know what are on my farm? You can ask me /You can use sentences / T/Welcome to my farm /

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